[PDF EBOOK EPUB] The 21: A Journey into the Land of Coptic Martyrs

Description for The 21: A Journey into the Land of Coptic Martyrs
Review Martin Mosebach is a superb journalist. Virtually nothing escapes his gaze, and he glosses over nothing. --Hannes Stein, Die WeltFew contemporary writers have delved so deeply into the disturbing experiences of such an entirely different world and way of life. --HR 2Mosebach has a novelist's insight and way with words. The 21 is also a fine piece of journalism. It helps us to understand, if not the ferocity of the killers, the quiet heroism--the ordinary heroism, perhaps--of the martyrs.--Christian TodayAlthough I would like very much to visit Egypt, I think I never would have seen all the things Mosebach was able to see. What he has written is a meditation on the profound sense of prayer he found in the Coptic Church, the depth of mystery in her liturgy, the valor of the witness of a minority that has been persecuted for 1,400 years, the reality of faith to be experienced in the poor and the powerless.--Msgr. Richard Antall, Angelus NewsMosebach provides striking images of a singular Christianity unfamiliar to many Christians outside of the Middle East.� Through immersive scenes and finely drawn portraits of the people he meets, he exhibits a clear admiration for the Coptic devotion on every page. This will appeal to Christians as well as readers wanting to understand the lives of minorities in Muslim countries.--Publishers WeeklyRichly rewarding� In a strikingly brief space, Mosebach has much to tell us about each of the martyrs as individuals and about their families. The 21 is also deeply informative about the state of Coptic Egypt, and about martyrdom, and even about Coptic liturgy. The book�s only flaw is that it is so emotionally moving that it is difficult to read without frequent breaks.--Philip Jenkins, Christian CenturyMartin Mosebach is undoubtedly one of the most intelligent, original, and powerfully eloquent poets of the present day. --Ulrich Greiner, Die ZeitIn this remarkable book, Mosebach doesn�t simply avoid the standard Western narratives but turns the tables on them. He is not interested in providing a lurid account of barbarities from which we, in our secular sophistication, are immune, or in explaining away the miracles in the lives of the devout poor, or, still less, in telling us how to regard radical Islam, formulate a foreign policy for the Middle East, or help persecuted Christians abroad, much as they could use our help. Rather, he wants to show Christians � in the West and elsewhere � what these migrant workers can teach us about living our own faith.--Commonweal MagazineMosebach has mastered a rare art: maintaining deep respect for the other. . . . Not a single detail loses its magic in this moving, impressive book: it reads like a ray of light, illuminating Western blind spots and foreign worlds. --Alexander Cammann, Die ZeitTake[s] us deep into the lives and churches of these Coptic believers, with Mosebach exhibiting an attention to detail befitting his novelistic gifts�.We gain a rich impression of what shaped the lives and faith of these martyrs, and we witness how their martyrdom reverberates to this day through their families, churches, and communities.--Christianity Today Read more Book Description Behind a gruesome ISIS beheading video lies the untold story of the men in orange and the faith community that formed these unlikely modern-day saints and heroes. Read more See all Editorial Reviews

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