(PDF) Ebook The Girl in the Photograph: The True Story of a Native American Child, Lost and Found in America

Description for The Girl in the Photograph: The True Story of a Native American Child, Lost and Found in America
Review 'As he tells the harrowing, yet inspiring story of one young Native American girl, Senator Dorgan describes the nearly two centuries of shameful treatment of American Indians, much of which continues today.'?Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Council of Chiefs, Northern Cheyenne Indian Tribe �Please read this book! The Girl in the Photograph is one of the most important civil rights books written in this century. It examines, in full detail, through the life of one young woman, the horrific conditions in which many Native American children live in a country that once belonged to their ancestors. Once you recover from your shock, the author gives you an opportunity to participate in the change that will restore opportunity and justice to the precious children of our first Americans.�?Senator Heidi Heitkamp �Byron Dorgan has written an important book, with compassion and understanding about the struggle of a courageous Native American girl and her people. It is a poignant story describing the challenging life of a young Native American child who, against all odds, is a survivor.�?Walter Isaacson, New York Times bestselling author'This book is a poignant, tough and brutally honest story about a Native American girl named Tamara and the conditions that confront too many children on Indian reservations. It is a story of survival, and it also tells the inspiring stories of youth helping bring change to the reservations.'?Anita Fineday, Former Chief Judge, White Earth Tribal Nation'[A] poignant account...Dorgan's plea for change serves as an informative and moving introduction to a great injustice.' ?Publishers Weekly Read more About the Author BYRON L. DORGAN served as a U.S. congressman and senator for North Dakota for thirty years before retiring in January 2011. He was chairman of Senate Committees and Subcommittees on the issues of Energy, Aviation, Appropriations, Water Policy, and Indian Affairs. Senator Dorgan is the author of the New York Times bestseller Take This Job and Ship It. When he retired from the U.S. Senate, he created the Center for Native American Youth (CNAY) to work on teen suicide prevention, education opportunity and more for children living on Indian reservations. Read more

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