(PDF) Ebook Brave as a Lion: Jeff Standifer and The Knights of the Golden Circle

Description for Brave as a Lion: Jeff Standifer and The Knights of the Golden Circle
Sometimes, history just forgets people. No matter their accomplishments, feats, or contemporary celebrity. Who they were is relegated to a few short paragraphs in dusty old books or an occasional mention in a newspaper. Jefferson J. Standifer is one such person whom history has forgotten, but in the mid 19th century, his exploits were well known throughout the Western United States. He prospected for gold in California, British Columbia, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, and Montana. He spent time in Hawaii and made a very mysterious trip to Mexico. The man fought many engagements with natives, was shot several times, and even had time to own a saloon in an ill-fated railroad town. He traveled thousands of miles on horseback and helped men get from California to join the Confederate army during the War Between the States. Jeff was called, the “Kit Carson of the Northwest”, the “Daniel Boone of the mines”, and a “Builder of Idaho.” Despite these high praises, his name disappeared from discussions on western history in the 1950s. Perhaps it was his membership in the ultrasecret “Knights of the Golden Circle” that has helped erase his name from our memory.This is the first time Jeff’s story has been told, a story that was almost lost to time.

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