Download [PDF] The First Cell: And the Human Costs of Pursuing Cancer to the Last

Description for The First Cell: And the Human Costs of Pursuing Cancer to the Last
Review 'An elegantly conceived, powerfully written, and far-reaching book that will change the conversation around cancer for decades to come.'--Siddhartha Mukherjee, author of The Emperor of All MaladiesThe New York Times, Books to Watch For in October 2019Amazon, Top 100 Books of 2019LitHub, Most Anticipated Books of 2019BookRiot, Must-Read Books on CancerAmazon, Best Science Books of 2019Starred Review from Publishers' WeeklyStarred Review from KirkusOne of the New York Times' Eighteen New Books to Watch For in October?Joumana Khatib'Raza asks hard questions ... and she hopes to jolt people into looking for a new paradigm in the so-called war on cancer.'?Henry Marsh, The New York Times Book Review'An incisive critique-cum-memoir'?Nature'Raza, a Columbia University professor of medicine and practicing oncologist, offers a passionate account of how humans grapple with the scourge of cancer.... Showing that compassion is just as important for cancer patients as the drugs administered to them, Raza's deeply personal work brings understanding and empathy to the fore in a way that a purely scientific explication never could.'?Publishers Weekly'With elegant literary references and a compassion that deeply personalizes her interactions with patients and families, [Raza] engages readers in a commitment to finding a better way. Intelligence, empathy, and optimism inform the argument for new research on cancer that could obviate the suffering prevalent today.'?Kirkus'We are accustomed to a narrative of war in books by cancer researchers. The doctors are generals on the barricades alongside their soldier patients. Progress is slow, but the battle is gradually being won. This book tells another story. The drugs that are declared successes offer only a few weeks of painful extension of life. The best clinicians are usually thrown back on the primitive combination of cut, poison, and burn that as students, they thought they would look back on as an embarrassment. Bespoke genetic treatments have significant limitations. Azra Raza breaks out of the official story to tell a new one. She's not fighting a war. She's negotiating with a resilient and dynamic enemy. She wants to change the terms of engagement. No more fighting at the endgame, but hunting down the first deviant cells. This book is a passion project, a personal story, a scientific proposal, and quite simply one of the most compelling books you'll read. It breaks out of the standard narrative. It invents a whole new one. It works. By the end you'll want to sign on to her revolution.'?Sherry Turkle, author of Alone Together and Reclaiming Conversation'When the history of cancer is eventually written, Azra Raza's book will be one of the touchstones that illuminated the path to victory.'?Amanda Foreman, author of The Duchess'An elegantly conceived, powerfully written, and far-reaching book that will change the conversation around cancer for decades to come.'?Siddhartha Mukherjee, author of The Emperor of All Maladies'With command and clarity, Azra Raza indicts the cancer industry with such force that it begs the question: Are we really winning the cancer war? The First Cell is an intricately woven, often lyrical, tapestry of anecdote and authority that returns the suffering patient to the foreground of medical innovation. Raza expertly illustrates the complex choreography of cancer's nefarious dance, and her fascinating proposal will surely thrust cancer therapy from the 20th to the 21st century.'?Tina Brown, journalist and author of The Diana Chronicles Read more About the Author Azra Raza is the Chan Soon-Shiong professor of medicine and the director of the MDS Center at Columbia University. In addition to publishing widely in basic and clinical cancer research, Raza is also the coeditor of the highly acclaimed website She lives in New York City. Read more

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