Read PDF A Concise History of Korea: From Antiquity to the Present

Description of A Concise History of Korea: From Antiquity to the Present
Review Michael Seth�s text remains the most accessible overview of Korean history. Going beyond the platitudes about the �land of the morning calm� or the �hermit kingdom,� it is a useful and clear guide to the Korean peninsula�s turbulent past. (John Lie, University of California, Berkeley)Whenever I'm asked to recommend a textbook on Korean history, I always put Michael Seth�s A Concise History of Korea at the top of my list. Now in its third edition, the book provides the most up-to-date survey of Korean history, introducing fresh research and interpretations. Seth places Korea clearly within the East Asian world and highlights the unique aspects of Korea�s past. As with the previous edition, Michael Seth succeeds in this history in every way. (Edward Shultz, emeritus, University of Hawaii at Manoa)Michael Seth�s A Concise History of Korea remains the best overview of Korean history in the English language. Both thorough and readable, it is the ideal book to use in undergraduate-level Korean history courses. It is also great for anybody who wants to know more about almost any aspect of Korean history. (Gregg Brazinsky, George Washington University) Read more About the Author Michael J. Seth is professor of history at James Madison University. Read more

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