Download PDF Ebook Beyond the Military: A Leader's Handbook for Warrior Reintegration

Description of Beyond the Military: A Leader's Handbook for Warrior Reintegration
Review 'More than any other civilian, Shauna 'gets it,' and those she works with see both her willingness to listen and her competency to help them make meaningful changes in their lives. Because she listens, she has been able to see what many clinicians have missed when working with veterans. In essence, her continued work and writing will fundamentally change the way we work with veterans.'--Mike Ergo, director, North Bay Vet Center, USMC Iraq War combat veteran� 'In over 19 years as an infantry Marine, I have never met someone like Shauna 'Doc' Springer. She was able to empathize with me, become a part of the pack, and translate my inner thoughts into constructive interactions. I think of her as one of the corpsmen embedded into my platoon.'--1st�Sergeant Keola Lee, USMC (active duty)� 'Doc Springer is one of us...she understands a warrior's worth beyond war. She realizes our value in society and can articulate that value to the rest of the world and to us. This shows us that we have purpose. She is a key member of my tribe and I know she's always got our six!' ��--David Bachmann (combat USMC veteran)� 'Dr. Springer has embedded her life into the military and veteran community. She understands how and when to ask bold questions and make necessary blunt statements in order to heal or guide veterans' issues. Her book is based on her tireless work and is not a repeat of what we already know.'--Nathan D. Johnson, lead veterans service officer for Contra Costa County, USMC veteran� 'I have witnessed the passion Dr. Springer has for understanding how the scars of combat present themselves with our veterans and how she leverages her compassion and unique cultural sensitivity for those whom she comes in contact with. Her calm persona allows her to gain trust from those troubled with 'suicidal thoughts,' and the structure she lays out to help our struggling veterans enables a successful outcome.' ��--Scott Whitacre, Kaiser Permanente, chief technology office regional co-chair, KP Veteran Association--Northern California� 'Dr. Springer opened my mind with her approach by helping me reengage with things I never thought were applicable in my new life. I was able to get to a place in my life where nothing was impossible, and the work we did is paying dividends in my present and future. Without the work that Dr. Springer and I did, I honestly don't know where I'd be right now. Her dedication to service to others through healing the hidden wounds of our current-conflict service members is remarkable.'--Beau Mattioda, Marathon Targets program manager, former USMC SSgt Read more About the Author JASON RONCORONI is a retired Lieutenant Colonel and former aviation battalion commander from the United States Army. He served 33 months in combat and has the unique distinction of having transitioned from the military twice. He departed as a junior captain only to return to the military after 9/11, and he most recently retired after 21 years of active duty service. He advises military leaders, policy makers, and government officials on military transition and civilian reintegration. The founder of Ordinary Hero Coaching, Inc., Jason helps prepare transitioning leaders for meaningful opportunities after military service.�DR. SHAUNA SPRINGER is a licensed psychologist and nationally recognized expert on initiatives that benefit the military community. Known as 'Doc Springer,' she is a trusted advisor for a vast network of veterans, military families, and fellow thought leaders. Her uniquely perceptive insights have helped thousands of veterans and their partners thrive after military service and she has personally helped hundreds of warriors reconnect with their tribe, strengthen their relationships, and build lives driven by their values. Dr. Springer's work has been featured on NPR, NBC, CBS Radio, Military Times and Marine Corps Times. Read more

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