[PDF EBOOK EPUB] American Warsaw: The Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of Polish Chicago

Description of American Warsaw: The Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of Polish Chicago
Review �American Warsaw is something new and necessary, a book Chicago didn�t know it needed until it showed up. American Warsaw chronicles the unique nature of Chicago�s �Polonia��its community of Poles and Polish descendants outside of Poland. Pacyga tells the story of how Chicago came to have such a large Polish population, and to even be considered a part of Poland in exile, the �fourth partition� of a country that had been divided between Prussia, Austria and Russia before 1918. Chicago was �Poland elsewhere,� where immigrants juggled becoming American with trying to hang on to their sense of Polishness, or polskosc.� (Notable Book of 2019 Chicago Tribune)�There�s probably not a person in the United States�and certainly not in Chicago�more qualified than Dominic Pacyga to document the path Poland�s citizens took in emigrating to the United States. . . . Through tireless research, Pacyga develops a perhaps unintended thesis: that the current issues of the immigrant in Chicago and in the United States have been played out in cycles over the last century-and-a-half. . . . It�s haunting to discover in American Warsaw that history and language have repeated themselves. The Poles at the beginning of the twentieth century are now the Mexicans, Central Americans, Ethiopians and Syrians in Chicago a century later.� (Newcity)�The dean of Chicago historians has fashioned an exceptionally clear, yet nuanced interpretation of one of the city�s largest ethnic groups. American Warsaw is much more than the story of an ethnic community. It is a clearly written, insightful investigation of the internal and external forces that shaped the development of Polish Chicago, its relationship to the broader urban area, and its interaction with its ancestral homeland.� (James S. Pula, author of Polish Americans: An Ethnic Community)�This highly readable story of Chicago�s Polonia could only have been written by an accomplished social and urban historian, who, as a born and bred Chicagoan, also knows the city in an organic way. Basing his account on the wealth of his previous research, Pacyga presents a comprehensive portrait of an important ethnic community seen through its organizational activities as well as everyday lived experience. American Warsaw, set against the backdrop of both American and Poland�s history, tells the story from the earliest decades of Polish immigration to the United States to the most recent period.� (Anna D. Jaroszynska-Kirchmann, author of The Polish Hearst: Ameryka-Echo and the Public Role of the Immigrant Press) Read more About the Author Dominic A. Pacyga is professor emeritus of history in the Department of Humanities, History, and Social Sciences at Columbia College Chicago. His books include Polish Immigrants and Industrial Chicago: Workers on the South Side, 1881�1922; Chicago: A Biography; and Slaughterhouse: Chicago�s Union Stock Yard and the World It Made, all from the University of Chicago Press. Pacyga is the 2014 Mieczys?aw Haiman Award winner for exceptional and sustained contribution to the study of Polish Americans. Read more

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