[PDF EBOOK EPUB] World War II Generation Speaks: The Things Our Fathers Saw Series Boxset, Vols. 1-3 (Volume 1)

Description of World War II Generation Speaks: The Things Our Fathers Saw Series Boxset, Vols. 1-3 (Volume 1)
Review 'Television and movies may capture the imagination of a romantic, adventurous version of war, but these plain-spoken veterans acknowledge the truth of the horror and loss of warfare. My sincere thanks to Matthew Rozell for his efforts.' -Amazon reviewer'This book should be a must-read in every high school in America. It is a very poignant look back at our greatest generation, maybe it will inspire the next one.'A selection of series comments left by Amazon reviewers:'Wow! I felt like I was sitting in the room with a group of WWII veterans, hearing their stories of hardship, fear, and what they had to do for their country, for their family and friends, fighting for what they believed in. I could not put this book down, so very well written to engage the reader and share experiences of war. Heroes abound in this book and everyone should read and be thankful for those who sacrificed so much for the rest of us. Thank you Matthew for capturing these experiences and presenting them in a compelling manner. Also, thank you for giving back to your community by making history real for your students and readers.''I have been a student of this war for over 60 years and the author made me want to read more of these types of books. Mr. Rozell constructed the living memories of [our] heroes into a striking and amazing narrative.''The survivors of WW2 are the generation of ultimate self sacrifice but also dignified silence. Long may books like this be read by the young people of the 21st century to understand the hardship, altruism and sacrifice of others that built the freedoms of today. Remarkable men and women, thank you one and all.''If you are looking for blood, guts and glory, look elsewhere. However, if you are looking for tales of normal people undertaking extraordinary tasks then read on, and be humbled.''History is best learned and remembered when it is humanized. Rozell's book gives faces and names and stories to some of battles I read about in my high school textbooks--I couldn't tell you much about what I learned from them, but I could go on about the things I learned from this book.''Having so many voices speaking in the first-person made the book read easier. Like the Bible, it is a compilation more than a single book,and so many perspectives added color. I was sorry to reach the end, and that is a rarity.''I always like to read the experiences of ordinary yet extraordinary people who went through something like this. One can only imagine what they went though.'My father, a member of 'The Greatest Generation', would never talk to me about the serious events in his deployment to the South Pacific. Then, after I myself went to war and came home, I asked him how he dealt with certain things. He had me open his old foot locker from which he took a TOPOG map. He unfolded it, pointed to a grid and said 'that is where I lost my first two men.' He no longer talked to me like his boy but like a fellow warrior. The things he told me could have been right out this book; the same words, the same descriptions of horrible sights, the same sorrow for friends lost...the same guilt for having survived. Mr. Rozell, THANK YOU for this book.''An absolutely absorbing read. It would seem a simple concept, to let the people who were there tell their story. Rozell gives us background, structure and scope without ever falling in love with his own voice or stealing the limelight, and that is no simple task. Well done!''I finished reading the book last night. The stories of sacrifice and service of the men included impacted me deeply and I have a renewed respect for what they did... How men so young could face the horrors of the war?! How did they endured torture and hard work with hope and faith?!''Awesome writing and very intriguing stories. Thank you for capturing some of the details that will soon be lost forever. Shall we never forget!''Now I know why [my father] didn't talk about his war, his four years in New Guinea. I now have a much better understanding of why.''My father was wounded during the war in Europe. He would never talk about the war or what he went through. It was always a big mystery -that part of his life. Your book helped me understand, a little better what my father faced - the fear, horror and suffering that is most personal to each soldier. Thank you for writing this excellent book.' Read more From the Author I don't know how to explain the feeling�of sitting down and going back to re-listen to and edit these conversations,�which in many cases took place years ago. As the writer/historian you spend days if not weeks with each individual, researching their stories, getting under their skin. You really have the feeling that you are doing a kind of cosmic CPR,taking their original words and breathing new life in a readable format that places readers at the kitchen table with that person who had something important to say. The reader shares the intimate moments with them as he/she gets absorbed in a real story being told. As an interviewer it happened many times to me directly with our World War II veterans, in living rooms, kitchens and dining rooms all over 'Hometown USA', in the classroom, and at reunion'hospitality rooms' and hotel breakfast tables across America.�But memories are short.�A World War II memoirist once wrote, 'Ignorance and apathy are the greatest dangers to freedom.' I agree, but as a lifelong history teacher, I contend that it begins with people simply not being exposed to the history to begin with. For how could one not be drawn into these stories, the human drama, the interaction and the emotion that goes into putting an ideal first? After sitting at their table, how could you not give weight to what they have seen, and where they think we are going, as a people, as a nation?�I saw this spark kindled time and again in my classroom, when we got to hear from real people who had a front row seat, who acted in the greatest drama in the history of the world.�Perhaps now I ramble. Now it is better to have them tell you themselves, about the world they grew up in, the challenges and obstacles placed on life's course, and how a generation of Americans not only rose to the challenge, but built the country and the freedoms that we enjoy today. They truly saved the world. Be inspired. Share their stories; give them voice. Lest we forget. Read more

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