READ [EBOOK] Not All Dead White Men: Classics and Misogyny in the Digital Age

Description for Not All Dead White Men: Classics and Misogyny in the Digital Age
Review �A chilling account of trolling, misogyny, racism, and bad history proliferated online by the Alt-Right, bolstered by the apparent authority of Greek and Latin Classics. Zuckerberg makes a persuasive case for why we need a new, more critical, and less comfortable relationship between the ancient and modern worlds in this important and very timely book.�?Emily Wilson, translator of The Odyssey�Explores how ideas about Ancient Greece and Rome are used and misused by antifeminist thinkers today.�?Time�Zuckerberg characterizes the �Red Pill� online community as the corner of the internet dominated by men�s-rights activists, the alt-right, pickup artists, and the sex-eschewing communities known as Men Going Their Own Way�Virtually all these subgroups appropriate classical literature for their own purposes.�?The Atlantic�Zuckerberg presciently analyzes [�red-pill�] communities� (and sections of Silicon Valley�s) embrace of stoicism as a self-help tool to gain confidence, jobs, and girlfriends. Their adoration of men like Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, and Ovid, whose Ars Amatoria earned him the reputation of being history�s first pickup artist, is founded in a limited and distorted interpretation of ancient philosophy, she writes, lending heft and authority to sexism and abuse.�?The Nation�The book is an achievement� An admirable foray into the difficult and often distressing terrain of far-right politics, and an important contribution to the growing collection of essays, archives and discussions centered on the place of classics in today�s thorny political landscape.�?Times Literary Supplement�Traces the application?and misapplication?of classical authors and texts in online communities that see feminism as a threat.�?Bitch Media�Zuckerberg argues that it is important to study why classical texts have been weaponized by [The Red Pill] and how, regardless of their �appropriation of antiquity,� the ancient texts are already problematic themselves.�?Los Angeles Review of Books blog�Not just an incredibly important book that teaches readers about the tactics of a far-right, antifeminist online community, the �manosphere,� but also demonstrates ways in which experts can use their knowledge to deconstruct the use and abuse of history.�?EuropeNow�A clear explanation of the machinations of the red pill community�Offers some sense of how individuals with an interest in progressive politics might respond to not only the abuse of ancient works, but also to the works themselves. In dissecting the far right�s misuse of these texts, Zuckerberg opens the door to a reconsideration of what is and isn�t the �foundation of Western Civilization.��?Ploughshares�Aims to take back the writings of the ancients from misogynist online communities.�?Publishers Weekly Read more About the Author Donna Zuckerberg is a Silicon Valley�based classicist who received her doctoral training at Princeton University. She is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Eidolon, a prize-winning online Classics magazine ( Read more

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