[PDF EBOOK EPUB] Why We Write: Craft Essays on Writing War

Description for Why We Write: Craft Essays on Writing War
For military service members, veterans, and families—and all those who write about them!Tap into PUBLISHING INSPIRATIONS, WRITING MARKETS, and CREATIVE TECHNIQUES with advice from MORE THAN 60 BEST-SELLING, ESTABLISHED, and EMERGING AUTHORS of military, national security, and war topics!Whether you're writing military-themed genre fiction or literary non-fiction, strategy or policy analysis, history or journalism, or even modern war poetry, Why We Write: Craft Essays on Writing War puts an arsenal of innovation and expertise at your fingertips!Choose your weapons: Podcasts! Memoirs! Novels! Book reviews! Short stories! Op-Ed essays! And more!Entertaining, informal, and accessible, this first-ever Military Writers Guild-sponsored anthology is ideal for:Aspiring writers & practicing professionalsWriting workshopsClassroom discussions of war literature, literary history, and popular cultureProfessional development forumsContributors include such leading authors as:Phil Klay (Redeployment)Vanya Eftimova Bellinger (Marie von Clausewitz: The Woman Behind the Making of “On War”)David Abrams (Fobbit and Brave Deeds)Alex Finley (Victor in the Rubble and Victor in the Jungle)Gayle Tzemach Lemmon (Ashley’s War and The Dressmaker of Khair Khana)Thomas E. Ricks (Churchill & Orwell: The Fight for Freedom; The Generals; Fiasco; The Gamble)Kate Germano (Fight Like a Girl: The Truth Behind How Female Marines are Trained)Peter Van Buren (We Meant Well and Hooper’s War)Kori Schake (Safe Passage; Warriors and Citizens)Max Brooks (World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War)Jessica Scott (The Coming Home; Falling; and Homefront romance series)Carmen Gentile (Blindsided by the Taliban: A Journalist's Story of War, Trauma, Love, and Loss)Hugh Martin (In Country; Stick Soldiers; and So, How Was the War?)Robert L. Bateman (No Gun Ri: A Military History of the Korean War Incident and Digital War: A View from the Front Lines)P.W. Singer & August Cole (Ghost Fleet: A Novel of the Next World War)

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