(PDF) Ebook Silicon City: San Francisco in the Long Shadow of the Valley

Description of Silicon City: San Francisco in the Long Shadow of the Valley
Review �Essential�A conflicted and complex portrait of a city starving for solutions.� - Brandon Yu, San Francisco Chronicle�McClelland weaves together a narrative of a region under siege by the economic forces of tech, gentrification, and inequality�A refreshing perspective.� - Oakland Magazine�With dazzling omniscience, Silicon City delivers the voices of the people, each one sharing their own understanding of the city, like an oral history of the present�An almost poetic picture of San Francisco that proves the world isn�t as simple?or as discouraging?as it�s often made out to be.� - David Cassel, The New Stack�Tales of the city for the boom time.� - Stephen Philips, San Francisco Chronicle�Silicon City should be San Francisco�s next big city-wide read. Short of that, it should be required reading for every employee of Twitter and Salesforce.com. Google and Facebook employees should climb aboard their comfy buses bound for Silicon Valley one fine sunny morning and find a copy on their seats. At the very least, McClelland should send a copy to each of the 11 members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.� - Katie Hafner, Fast Company�McClelland has undertaken a herculean feat of sociological cataloguing, and offers an ambitious, thorough look at a city that seems to be ripping at the seams.� - Luisa Rollenhagen, Bookforum�Silicon City is firmly in the Studs Terkel tradition of first-person-based explorations of working-class life�Students of inequality and demographics will find powerful anecdotal evidence for how the changing cityscape brings both harm and good.� - Kirkus Reviews�Thought-provoking�McClelland captures personal snapshots of the changes wrought on San Francisco by the tech industry.� - Booklist Read more About the Author Cary McClelland is a writer, filmmaker, lawyer, and rights advocate whose work has taken him around the world. He met his wife in San Francisco, where they settled down and built their first home. They now live in Brooklyn with their son. Read more

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