PDF READ FREE The Ultimate Engineer: The Remarkable Life of NASA's Visionary Leader George M. Low (Outward Odyssey: A People's History of Spaceflight) EBOOK EPUB KINDLE PDF

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The Ultimate Engineer: The Remarkable Life of NASA's Visionary Leader George M. Low (Outward Odyssey: A People's History of Spaceflight)

Description of The Ultimate Engineer: The Remarkable Life of NASA's Visionary Leader George M. Low (Outward Odyssey: A People's History of Spaceflight)

Review 'The result of Jurek's extensive research and careful use of detail is a comprehensive portrait of a figure vastly greater in significance than in name recognition.'�Publishers Weekly (Publishers Weekly)'This well-researched book is as much a history of NASA as a biography of George Low, and as such is an important contribution to the history of the agency. Jurek's detailed book will appeal to both fans and scholars of NASA and of the engineers like Low who make the agency's spaceflights work.'�Sara R. Tompson,�Library Journal (Sara R. Tompson Library Journal 2019-12-01)�It took four hundred thousand people for NASA to reach the moon, but one was absolutely essential: a soft-spoken, brilliant engineer named George Low. As this detailed, well-written account reveals, from Apollo�s very conception to its recovery from tragedy�to its historic triumphs, Low was Apollo�s essential man.��Andrew Chaikin, author of A Man on the Moon � (Andrew Chaikin 2019-02-23)�George Low is one of the unsung heroes of spaceflight, but there�s never been a thorough examination of his�life and the important contributions he made to Apollo and other NASA programs. The Ultimate Engineer finally fills this huge gap in human spaceflight history!��Peter King, correspondent for CBS News Radio � (Peter King 2019-02-23)�The real book about NASA and human spaceflight should be about George Low.��George W. S. Abbey, former director of the Johnson Space Center (George W. S. Abbey 2019-02-23)�This Austrian immigrant, a specialist in aerodynamics, proved to be the perfect leader of the Apollo spacecraft engineering team�as well as a key political operator in America�s human space programs from Mercury to the space shuttle. In The Ultimate Engineer Richard Jurek tells Low�s unique and inspiring story, filling a huge hole in the history.��Michael Cassutt, novelist, screenwriter, and coauthor of Deke! and We Have Capture � � � � (Michael Cassutt 2019-03-30)�George Low was a central figure in one of history�s greatest engineering projects�the first human voyages to the moon. Even though Apollo was a team effort, it never would have happened without leaders of great dedication and talent. In this valuable new book, Rich Jurek gives us the first full-length portrait of one of the least-known but most important of these Apollo-era giants.��Tony Reichhardt, senior editor of Air & Space�magazine � (Tony Reichhardt 2019-03-30) Read more About the Author Richard Jurek is a contributor to the Smithsonian�s Air & Space magazine and website and is the coauthor of Marketing the Moon: The Selling of the Apollo Lunar Program with David Meerman Scott. Gerald D. Griffin�is a former director of the NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Houston and also served as the deputy director of the John F. Kennedy Space Center and the Hugh F. Dryden Flight Research Center. � � Read more


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