[PDF EBOOK EPUB] How to Be an Anticapitalist in the Twenty-First Century EBOOK EPUB KINDLE PDF

[PDF EBOOK EPUB] How to Be an Anticapitalist in the Twenty-First Century EBOOK EPUB KINDLE PDF

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How to Be an Anticapitalist in the Twenty-First Century

Description of How to Be an Anticapitalist in the Twenty-First Century

Review �Deserves to be widely read. In 150-odd pages, Wright makes the case for what�s wrong with capitalism, what would be better, and how to achieve it. This is the rare book that can speak to both the faithful and the unconverted. You could buy it for your skeptical uncle or your militant cousin: there is something here for the reader who needs persuading that another world is possible, and the reader who wants ideas for bringing that world into being.� �Ben Tarnoff, Guardian �His ideas captured the imagination of audiences, intellectuals and activists across the globe � Wright reinvented the meaning of socialism.� New York Times �Erik Olin Wright was a visionary writer gifted with the imagination to foresee what life after capitalism might look like, but he was much more than that. He embodied an entire way to think about capitalism and the world: clear, precise, and free of bullshit. This book, his last, should be an indispensable reference point for those who want to change the world for the better.� �Bhaskar Sunkara, founder and publisher of Jacobin magazine �Erik will be remembered as the most important theorist of class in the second half of the twentieth century, and the greatest Marxist sociologist of his time.� �Vivek Chibber, author of Postcolonial Theory and the Specter of Capital �Possessed of an unlimited capacity to render his ideas precise and simple, without diluting them, Erik gave activists a vision of a collective project to which each could contribute. Given the resurgent interest in �socialism� among a new generation of thinkers and activists, Erik had an ever-increasing following.� �Michael Burawoy, from the afterword Read more About the Author Erik Olin Wright (1947�2019) was Vilas Distinguished Professor of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin. He authored many books, including Classes, Interrogating Inequality, Class Counts, Deepening Democracy (with Archon Fung), and Envisioning Real Utopias. Read more


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